Wednesday, May 31, 2006

What? Eat? I Don't Think So!

Laurel's four months old, and can now experience "solid foods." I've been watching her closely as the rest of us eat our meals, and I'm telling you, I've yet to see an inkling of interest in her. While we're eating, she watches the ceiling fan spin, or fusses.

I remember when Ian was approaching this age, he intently watched us eat. He was so interested his little head would follow along as each spoonful went into our mouths. The first time he ate rice cereal, he actually ate it. His little mouth opened right up, like a baby bird waiting for its worm. I swear he even said, "Mmmmmm." He was READY for something besides milk!

Just for kicks, we decided to let Laurel try some rice cereal. As the spoon slowly approached, she looked around at other things of interest to her. When the rice cereal was poured into her mouth, she looked horrified. Her eyes clearly expressed concern over what just happened, and her mouth hung open as the cereal streamed out the corners. We decided to try again, same results. On our third try, she began shaking her head to avoid the same unpleasantness. Clearly, she was not ready.

A couple days later, I decided to let her experience cereal again. Same results, disbelief followed by head shaking urgently so I couldn't hit my mark. Oh well, she's satisfied with milk for the time being. We'll just have to torture her again in a week or so and see if she's changed her mind.


Chicky Chicky Baby said...

Maybe its a boy/girl thing. Chicky Baby didn't like cereal until she was 5 months. But did that stop me from trying for the whole month before? Nooo. I was a woman on a mission.

Good luck on the feeding!

Anonymous said...

That made me laugh, I can just see that surprised baby. Thanks!