Monday, January 09, 2006

Let the Renovation Begin!

Hooray! Paul successfully tore down the two full length mirrors in Ian's future bedroom. The wall doesn't look too bad and should be fairly easy to fix (I say this before actually being attempted, we'll have to wait and see). The first mirror was a real pain to take down. Unfortunately, I had given Paul some suggestions I had read online. He scored the mirror with a glass cutter, used tape to keep shattered glass to a minimum (HA!), tried using wire and a thin saw blade to cut the adhesive (no effect, in fact the saw just tore up the drywall more), and finally shims and a hammer to pry the mirror away from the wall. The glass broke wherever it wanted in small chunks. The second mirror was much easier. He taped it completely over and then used a hammer to pry it away from the wall. The entire mirror came off in one piece! Oh joy! Lesson learned, never listen to me about house projects. A little caulk, a lot of spackle, and even more paint... we may have a bedroom! Keep posted to see how it's going.

By the way, Baby Sister countdown: 10 days

1 comment:

Stella said...

WOW!!!!It looks like you guys had a heck of a western gun fight in your spare bedroom! - - Just Kidding! Actually, when I saw the picture, I had to wipe away a tear. I was so sad to see that those "beloved" mirrors were gone and I didn't even have a chance to say good-bye. Give them a farewell hug from me. I will miss them terribly.