Saturday, December 23, 2006

Cookie Monster, Eat Your Heart Out!

Counter top clean...check.

Dough made and refrigerated...check.

Rolling pin out...check.

Powdered sugar open...check.

Cookie cutters at the ready...check.

Cookie sheets prepped...check (yeah, I cheat, I use parchment paper).

Ruler out so I can figure out how thick to make the dough...check (I know, I know, I'm lame. I can't just guess 1/4 inch, no, I need a ruler.)

Empty Santa cookie jar waiting,
ever so patiently waiting to be filled

Anxious kid to cut out and especially decorate cookies...

...ummm, hello, Ian, where are you?

Ian? Ian?

Oh, there you are! Anxious kid to cut out cookies...check.

Ok, Ian. On your mark, get set, GO!

Bring on the frosting and sprinkles!!!!


A double fisted sprinkler.

You can never have enough sprinkles!

Oh, the silliness.

You're so busted!

Toxic waste land? No, well, maybe. You'll want to choose from the other pile. Seriously, they're the most beautiful cookies I have ever seen.

Delightfully fun Christmas memory made
(especially for me)...CHECK!

Merry Christmas from our family to yours!



Elizabeth said...

aaaaaaaaaawwwwwwwwwwwwwww I love it

Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas! I want to come play too.

I haven't gotten any baking or cooking pictures of Q yet, because I'm too worried he'll dive headfirst into the bowl of batter while I have the camera out. (Although that might be an entertaining shot.) Maybe in a few months . . .

Damselfly said...

Cute, check! Fun, check! I love your photo essay. Can't wait until I can do this with my little one. Merry Christmas!

Knitting Maniac said...

WHAT fun!!! Those cookies look YUMMY!

Merry Christmas!!

Anonymous said...

Hooray! Those cookies are the best kind. The more colors of frosting on one cookie the better they are!

Be Inspired Always said...

How adorable. Now that's a memory to cherish!