Wednesday, March 04, 2009

Missing Daddy

Hi, there, Daddy! We sure miss you. Everyday we ask if you're still on Earth, and Mommy reassures us that yes, indeed you are. You won't be gone too much longer, but we are anxious for you to come home. Here are some pictures of us for you to enjoy.

Ian is totally obsessed with Star Wars. He made a tiny red light saber out of legos.

He's also building spaceships and flying them around the house with lots of added sound effects.

Laurel loves to snuggle her kitty.

Dressing up as a princess is an everyday activity.

We would like to eat waffles at every meal, but Mommy says we should get in other foods, too.

Have fun with your work. We can't wait to see you and hug you and dogpile on top of you.

We LOVE you,
Ian and Laurel

PS - Mommy loves you, too.