Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Childhood Fantasies Intermingled with Nasty Truths

Laurel and Ian love the Disney movie Peter Pan. This week, Paul is on vacation, so he's seeing it in greater detail. They've already watched it twice this week. The obsession with Peter Pan goes beyond viewing it on a television set. Ian loves the song that plays when the Crocodile shows up to chase Captain Hook, and I have to sing/hum it for him at least three times a day.

And whenever we are eating, the kids ask for me to tell a story that includes themselves as characters. It usually starts with a request from Laurel, "Mommy, I want a story of me and Ian sleeping and Peter Pan and Tinker Bell coming to our rooms."

With a deep breath, I begin the tale. "One night, Laurel and Ian are sleeping soundly in their beds. A breeze blows on them as Peter Pan and Tinker Bell fly over them. Peter Pan whispers, 'Wake up, Laurel, wake up, Ian.'"

The story continues almost verbatim to the Disney movie since I have not read the novel yet, although I have recently purchased a copy. One big difference I make in my story telling, is incorporating Paul and myself into the story. Heck, I want to visit Neverland too!

This last month, Paul has had to work some really long days, often getting home after the children have already gone to bed, capped by a week long business trip to Las Vegas. Obviously, his absence is on their minds and concerns them, for they do miss him when he's not around. This became especially apparent in one retelling this week of our family's version of Peter Pan.

ME: When Laurel and Ian open their eyes, they see Peter Pan and Tinker Bell flying in their rooms. Peter Pan says, "Hi, would you guys like to go to Neverland with Tink and me?"

Both Ian and Laurel say, "Oh yes, oh yes, but we need to get Mommy and Daddy first."

So they go and climb into their Mommy and Daddy's bed and ask, "Mommy, Daddy, can we all go to Neverland with Peter Pan and Tinker Bell?" So Mommy, Daddy, Ian, and Laurel all fly to Neverland with Peter and Tinker Bell.

IAN: No, Daddy can't go. He has to work late.


Lady M said...

Oh, baby.

SwingDaddy has had some really, really long nights lately, so I totally understand!

Jennifer Swanepoel said...


Kids understand WAY more than we think they do.

Bloggy Mama said...

Here's hoping that, next time, Daddy's the one banging on their beds to take them to Neverland!!

Kelly said...

Oh, poor little guy...

The Domesticator said...


I so understand this. My husband has to work late alot. One time, my youngest said" Does Daddy live here or at work?" Needless to say, he took a few days and went in late and made an effort to get home early ;-)

Rachel (Crazy-Is) said...

Awww, it's hard for them to understand and I know that has to break your heart.

When Chris has to work late, the girls are usually in bed when he gets home and he leaves before Alyssa gets up in the mornings. He worked late last night and this morning as I was taking her to the sitter, she was waving a a truck she saw (she thinks all trucks are daddy) and saying "bye daaaddy".