Friday, September 15, 2006

It'll Stunt Your Growth, Kid

Being ever observant, Ian has picked up on my parents' coffee addiction. Dinosaur cup in hand, grin on face, twinkle in eye, he boldly states...

I is drinking coffee.

I'm just not worth a damn until I've had my morning cup of joe juice.

(Lighten up there buddy, or I'm going to enroll you in a twelve step program.)

Question for all parents/care providers of toddlers: Why won't he eat the bread crust? I'm pretty sure he hasn't seen anyone do this, he just does it naturally. It's like a graveyard of crust remnants.

The only thought that comes to mind, is we've worked on not eating the rind off watermelon and cantaloupe. He might be overgeneralizing.


carrie said...

The bread crust mystery is yet to be solved at my house either -- sometimes they eat it, sometimes they don't!

As for the coffee, my MIL gives the kids lattes in tiny teacups when they visit, mostly flavored coffee creamer and 5% coffee, but it is funny!


Nut's mom said...

Nut is finally sitting in his seat and opening his mouth in anticpation for the food. I hope I get as far as you!

Lady M said...

All hail the conquering eater! It looks like he did a good job vanquishing the sandwiches.

mamashine said...

Mine won't eat crust either. Not even on poptarts! She says it's hard and crunchy and a different color.
well then.

Knitting Maniac said...

My 7 YO won't eat them (and she is 8 in less than a month). My 6 YO will. No rhyme or reason to that one, I fear.

Nanny Girl said...

I take care of 2 children and I find that the boy (4) doesn't eat his crusts and the girl (3) eats it all. Maybe it's a boy thing.

Oblivious Maven said...

I was going to say that maybe it's because they don't have jelly on them and perhaps you can make a jelly sauce to dip them in, but then I saw that one piece there on the bottom......

I dunno!

I remember not liking them, too though, they tasted more like wheat than a cloud of bread or something.

Anonymous said...

My boy, 1 year old in 10 days eats only the crust, nothing else.